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Booster Meetings
​​Next Meeting - April 5

Fundraiser - Flower Basket







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2017 Season
Here is what is coming up in the next few months.


  • Download Flier for Sponsor donations for the 2017 season.  Please share it with your favorite businesses. We are selling advertisements:

    • To be displayed at every home game, we are selling individual banners, acknowledgement on the Team Banner or on the game program. Or cash donations.


  • We aren’t supported by the School ASB/WIAA and must raise money for most of our Team’s needs.



  • We still need a few scorekeepers or timers for this week’s games.  Please consider signing up for a game.  We will train if you are need to these volunteer positions.  Also this may be a good week to sign up with all of the rain. You will be under a tent instead of sitting in the cold rainy stands







​Spirit Wear
Now Closed
access - BLHSLX15
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